Notario Fraud / Immigration Consultant Fraud

We recognize the harmful and irreparable damages that notary (notario) fraud has on Ventura County’s undocumented families within our community. Together with other organizations and advocates in the county, we are committed to the empowerment of our community and aspire to further advocate for victims of this type of fraud.
Notary (notario) fraud, also known as immigration “consultant” fraud, is a constant issue throughout the county. Notaries and consultants who pose as qualified legal representatives offer to fill out immigration paperwork and provide other legal services; however, more often than not, they never provide the promised services, make life-changing mistakes, and/or end up with the well-earned money of their victims. The immigration process can be extensive, complicated, and costly. We seek to change the handling of this type of fraud by the county and directly assist victims by providing support.
Swap Meet Justice

Swap Meet Justice is an immigrant legal advocacy and family resource fair that occurs on the last Sunday of the month at the Oxnard College Community Market (“the swap meet”) – with more than 25 public and private organizations who deliver to the community some of the same services offered during the week in their individual offices.
The immigrant legal advocacy component helps immigrant families complete their applications for Citizenship, fee waivers, DACA and green card renewals, voter registration, and more. Volunteer immigration attorneys are available to answer questions, and they train volunteers who complete the applications. The Ventura County Public Defender’s Office holds an Expungement Clinic. Other attorneys offer consultation on family law and laws affecting employment, credit, and debt relief. There is education and outreach on Notario/Immigration Consultant Fraud. All services on-site are entirely free and no appointment is needed.
The family resource fair is a growing part of the Swap Meet Justice village, composed of more than 25 community organizations and public agencies that provide vital services such as COVID shots, health screenings, Medi-Cal and CalFresh signups, emotional and mental health support for immigrant families, farm worker-specific services, access to low-cost health care, disability resources, and more.
There is no place else in the county that immigrant families can regularly access all these services (listed below) on a Sunday, the only day off many workers have.
For the current month’s flyer, other information, and how to volunteer, go to
To donate to Swap Meet Justice, go to, which CLUE-VC administers at no charge.
CLUE-VC has been part of Swap Meet Justice from its beginning. Our volunteers participate at the monthly events. CLUE-VC has sought and secured grants and acted as fiscal sponsor to enable the work to flourish.
ICE out of VC

The ICE out of VC movement aims to stop END the Ventura County Sheriff’s Office (VCSO) from cooperating voluntarily with Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) which enables the transfer of community members to ICE detention facilities.
There are many reasons why we want to end the cooperation between Ventura County Sheriff’s Office (VCSO) and Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE). To list some of them:
- It poses a threat to public safety.
- It results in family separation and weakens the community.
- Other California counties have already cut ties.